Wednesday, July 12, 2006

it's been a while

so yeah, it's been a little while, but don't worry. i'm still around, lazy as ever. i watched the all star game last night, of course. now, i'm not gonna bore you with accounts of the game (i think i'll pretty much never do that, not a sportswriter). i am gonna talk about two people who regualrly kill sports for me. god these two make me want to shit. these two are like fingernails farting on a chalkboard. i am talking, of course, about joe buck and tim mccarver. these two mooks puke all over baseball on fox every saturday, during the all-star game, playoffs, world series, bascially any big game. joe buck also annoys people during football games. now, i don't have a whole lot to say about it today, since i am at work. but i do have a pretty sweet link for you to check out if you haven't already. it's for the website shut up tim mccarver. if you have a few minutes, you can check it out. especially great is the mccarver gems page. this is where you can read a bunch of dumb shit that asshole has said, like "he wears his hat like a left hander." or "the reason we call that pitch up and in is because the arms are attached to the shoulder." what? so yeah. check it out.
unfortunately i have yet to find a similar page for joe buck. maybe you should make one.


Blogger MrVilhauer said...

"i am gonna talk about two people who regualrly kill sports for me."

As soon as you said this, I thought to myself "who, Buck and McCarver?


1:30 PM  
Blogger * said...

i'm shitting myself thinking aobut football season. DAMN YOU JOE BUCK YOU PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRICK!

11:01 AM  

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