hey joe, would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?

ok that's not important. what i'm meaning to talk about is this year's all star voting. how is joe mauer this far behind? granted he has moved from fifth to third in the last few days but still he's batting .377! not to be lame and invoke the name, but it's true, this is fucking bullshit.
if he was second behind rodriguez, it wouldn't be as bad. nobody expected detroit to win 50 games all year, let alone by the end of june. so ok.
but both of them are behind jason varitek. i could sit here and tell you just how much better mauer's stats are than varitek's, but i'm not gonna. if you're curious, find out for yourself. just know this, the only reason varitek's up so far is because he plays for the boston red sox. a team that people still seem to love as the underdog. guess what? they aren't underdogs anymore. they won the world series, their payroll is second only to the yankees and their bandwagon fans are at least as annoying as the yanks'. someday maybe i'll write about how much i absolutely hate the red sox, but not today. this is a plea.
i know i've got 16,000 readers out there. please vote online for joe mauer for catcher. if all 16,000 of you vote the allowed 25 times, we'll have just enough to catch varitek. that greasy can't read a kids book bastard.
Is there a "manager's pick" in baseball, like in the NBA? If so, he'll make the team, right?
Welcome back, Eric.
yeah, they have a mgr's pick, but that's not a given. ozzie guillen is the al manager and there's no reason he won't take aj pierzynski. besides, as of today mauer's hitting .389. he should start.
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